I have had an exceptionally progressive year of meeting new families, taking on new clients, creating new friendships and learning more and more about myself and my skill. I thought that this picture was the perfect picture to post to show how I have felt about 2012. When I am in my most insecure place ever my friends/clients are the ones that reinforce my drive to keep going. I am really not a fan of mushy heart on the sleeve blogging but man I tell you in all my years this past year has just been amazing. As time goes on I will be re-visiting the heart of my passion and my beginnings as to why I got into this field. Not many of you know but when I was in high school I was on a path for UC Berkeley to study the arts. Then my life took a little twist, when I was 17 I got pregnant with my first son whom I birthed at 18 and he is now going to be 17 years old. I felt at that time I still needed to go to college in order to provide for my son on my own. But due to my circumstances I had to stay close to home, therefore I started out at community college, went on to Oregon State, and finally graduated from Southern Oregon with a BS in Criminology. I went on to hold positions in corrections, social services, non profit, and investigations. By fate one year my friend dropped me back into photography,,,, I couldn't put it down from then on.
I know I have LOTS of learning to do, and I think that being a photographer means you never settled, or stop learning.... sometimes you get in a funk or creative ditch, I have been there many times and have pulled myself out and been towed out too. But next year I will off to LA to study with an absolutely AMAZING artist Joel Grimes! The point is to refocus myself as an artist and figure out what I am missing in my passion right now, work on myself to create better and better work, and determine my path in this life.
I am not going to say much at this time as to how this process is going to affect my business or my passions direction, who knows.... maybe I will discovery that I have been where I am supposed to be this whole time, but that is the point right? Discovering ourselves and learning to love life, seeking the truth and never giving up on what you know is right!
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